Monthly Tutor Report – Small Groups Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Month *Select monthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberYear202420242025Your name *FirstLastYour Education Counsellor's Name *AdaAnna-KayFlaviaPauline1. How many tutoring hours did you do with your learners this month? This includes face-to-face or online tutoring, outings, text messages, emails, calls, and video chats. Name of learner 1 *Name of learner 2Name of learner 3Name of learner 4Tutoring hours (learner 1) *Tutoring hours (learner 2)Tutoring hours (learner 3)Tutoring hours (learner 4)Homework hours (learner 1) *Homework hours (learner 2) Homework hours (learner 3) Homework hours (learner 4) 2. How many hours did you spend preparing for lessons? *Total number of hours.3. Are there websites, resources, or ideas that have worked well for you and your learners?4. What skills did you focus on this month? Select all that apply. * Listening Speaking Reading Writing Phonics Grammar What grammar topics did you cover?What other topics did you cover? 5. What topics did you cover with your learners this month? Select all that apply. * Alphabet Body Parts Canada & Culture Citizenship & Canadian Law Education Employment Family & Relationships Food Indigenous Peoples Health Home & Housing Money & Banking Numbers & Time & Date Services in the Community Shopping Travel & Transportation Weather & Environment Other 6. Any other feedback or comments that you wish to share?If you have any concerns or questions or need resources, please contact us as soon as possible.Submit